Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Another stinkin' cold! I don't know what the heck is going on around here, but it seems like the three of us are just getting one virus after another. The past 3 months I have been sick 4 times...enough is enough. And they're not little colds thar just give me sniffles and a slight cough. I cough so rough and so much I feel like my ribs are broken, my chest is bruised, and my head is going to explode. Fevers making me sweaty and hot but freezing with painful chills and joints that can only be described as someone stabbing them with an icicle. Its been rough, guys, real rough. With my daughter I threw up the whole first trimester, and I can honestly say, I'm not sure which is worse...I'm leaning towards this time. If it wasn't for these colds, I don't think I'd throw up at all. I have sickness first thing in the morning when I'm coughing up flem, and then sometimes in the middle of the day, or right after dinner. On the bright side, I'm almost done with the first trimester. Today I'm 11 weeks and 4 days. My tummy has gone almost completely flat again, so it appears the bloating has gone away. The baby is estimated to be about 2.5 inches (the size of a large prune or passion fruit) I'm excited for my next appointment right before my birthday. I think getting sick so many times has made me worry about the health of our little baby in there. My husband assures me everything is fine as long as I'm staying hydrated, but I can't shake the feeling thar my immune system being so low could have affect on the baby. Maybe just a protective and paranoid mom. I didn't experience much illness with Kylie. I made it past 10 weeks without any bleeding or spotting...that's a relief. At 10 weeks I thought I was miscarrying with Kylie. I was waiting for the same thing to happen, but this time I'd be more prepared. I think my job is far less stressful and hard on my body....for the most part. I have been having terrible sciatic pain, to the point I almost fall to my knees . I saw a chiropractor and he adjusted the upper of my back leaving the lower alone due to my pregnancy, and then I had a prenatal massage. It was a waste of a copay. Honestly, I didn't feel any difference...so its something I just try to tough out at work and I relax when I can at home. I think the majority of it is triggered by this damn cough. So, here's hoping this is the last virus I get for the rest of the pregnancy, and we have a healthier rest of the year 2014!

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