Sunday, January 12, 2014

10 Weeks

Well, in just 3 more weeks we will be out of the first trimester! YAY!
We had our check up on Wednesday, and Dr Miller walked in thinking that I was 8 weeks, I told him I think I'm almost 10 weeks, but I could be wrong. I figured we would get a more accurate due date after this appointment. He did an ultrasound and immediately we saw what looked like a dancing/wiggling gummy bear.  THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST THING EVER!!! Dr took a few measurements and said, well it looks like you were right. You are 9 weeks and 5 days, making your due date August 8th.  I said, "YES! That's a great due date. My husband proposed to me on August 8th, '08." It was a wonderful appointment and Kylie was very excited to see her little sibling dancing. She is getting more and more excited. There is an app on my phone that shows how far along I am and what the baby looks like...Kylie loves that app. She tells me everyday how old the baby is. I personally think we are having a boy, but we will see in 10 more weeks *wink*.
As for the morning sickness and colds...I am still taking the prescription for the morning sickness, but I only seem to need it in the morning, and I think its only because of the cold I am recovering from. I can take it every 6 hours as needed, so I think that's good. The cold, it hit me pretty hard, but I have been taking in a lot of vitamin C and lots of water. I am already experiencing some pretty intense back pain. I didn't have Sciatica Nerve pain until I was much bigger with could be caused by coughing, so I hope after this cold passes the nerve pressure will lift and I will be able to function as normal.
My belly looks big already too. I was looking at pictures with Kylie, I was barely showing with her at 10 weeks. I didn't look like I had a beer gut until about 16 weeks, I look about 16 weeks already with this little one. Its so funny how you hear people say that you show sooner, but you don't really take them kinda think they are making it up or exaggerating, but its no joke. Lol. This pregnancy has been very different in comparison to my first, which is partially why I think its a boy.
Today, Kylie said, "I am so excited about my brother or sister. Except I don't know what its going to be...what we are going to name him." I explained to her that the baby needs to grow a little bit bigger and we will know if its a boy or girl, then we can pick a name. She responded, "That's a great idea."
Hoping I can keep up with the far so...decent? Lol. Im doing better that I expected ;)

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