Monday, June 8, 2015

10 months

Yeah,  you read right,  it's been 10 months already! And I don't even know where to begin. Clearly I'm behind, since my last post was September, so briefly, I will wrote about what Emily has been up to lately.  Mostly brief because I can't keep up with her mischievous little hiney.

So,  Emily went from not willing to stand up at all,  she would always pick up her feet and try to sit when I'd hold her up to stand and bounce,  you know,  the way normal baby's do, to standing and walking (with assistance) crawling, and sitting up by herself,  all in a couple weeks.  It was as if she could have done it all this time,  and perhaps practiced when no one was watching,  hahaha,  but just chose not to. 

Now,  she is so frustrated because she just wants to walk and be big like her sister.  She has 2 teeth (bottom) and is working in her incisors. Between teething, growing,  and wanting to be MORE mobile, she's been a cranky baby. 

She like most veggies,  although, we had great beans the other day,  which she used to like,  and she gagged.

Emily loves playing with her sister,  she plays pretty well for a baby.  She's learning that not everything goes in the mouth.  Lol. 

Daddy just started as a firefighter.  We are super excited for him,  this is a great career move for him, but it's a tough adjustment. 48 hours of just mommy and girls.  Needless to say,  kindergarten can't start soon enough.  Mom needs breaks.  Lol.  Emily consumes a lot of my attention,  but Kylie is pretty demanding as well.  Kylie wants Emily to play with her like a big kid would,  so she still comes to me asking me to play,  but I'm usually feeding Emily,  or telling Emily not to touch the TV stuff. 

So,  all the chaos,  they say you're going to miss it when they're grown...i keep that in mind when days are tough.  There will come a time when the house is too quiet,  the girls are grown and moved out with families of their own,  and I will miss those beautiful smiles,  playing with dolls,  and snuggles in my arms.  The random "I love you so so so so so much, momma" and Em's loves with the most adorable "Awe" you ever heard. 

I'm pretty much the luckiest,  tired,  stay home mommy in the world.  It's easy to forget,  but also easy to remember.